Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Changes -In Relationship, We must Understand

A friend of mine came to me and said ” my boyfriend has changed from the day I proposed him”….. “he was better as a friend”………..
I laughed from inside, another prey of “situation change”.
Why dont we try to understand that its not the person who has changed, its the situations…………he might not be saying anything on your short skirt when he was a “Friend”, but now he cares and is possessive as a “boyfriend”… my dear the only thing which changes is the situation.
Tomorrow, if you both are married to each other , he might won’t even allow you to wear skirt…..coz now its his responsibility and “izzat ka swaal”………..his parent might be objecting bla bla and bla……………so the situation has again changed, the person is still same.
The phases from friend to boyfriend to husband had many many and many different situations, which by no way can exist in alteration……….A boyfriend would love to date in Restaurants / bar etc coz by EOD you both will be moving to different houses….now since you are married , he has second choice to spend time with you.
SO my dear friends, before coming to a conclusion that ” He / She has changed” make sure that you have evaluated the situation

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