Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Changes -In Relationship, We must Understand

A friend of mine came to me and said ” my boyfriend has changed from the day I proposed him”….. “he was better as a friend”………..
I laughed from inside, another prey of “situation change”.
Why dont we try to understand that its not the person who has changed, its the situations…………he might not be saying anything on your short skirt when he was a “Friend”, but now he cares and is possessive as a “boyfriend”… my dear the only thing which changes is the situation.
Tomorrow, if you both are married to each other , he might won’t even allow you to wear skirt…..coz now its his responsibility and “izzat ka swaal”………..his parent might be objecting bla bla and bla……………so the situation has again changed, the person is still same.
The phases from friend to boyfriend to husband had many many and many different situations, which by no way can exist in alteration……….A boyfriend would love to date in Restaurants / bar etc coz by EOD you both will be moving to different houses….now since you are married , he has second choice to spend time with you.
SO my dear friends, before coming to a conclusion that ” He / She has changed” make sure that you have evaluated the situation

The Late Genious

When I was a Kid , I use to dream and imagine that there should be a bike which has a meter to tell in which gear your running it. Coz it was always tough for me to judge at that time.
And look we have it……..I have so many thoughts like this and day by day they are popping out from someboy else’s mind. Just mentioning few of them here ;

One fine day i developed a formual to multiply any figure with 11 and get the result in nano seconds……be it the longest numerical. Another fine day i got to know that the same formula was already there from years….so felt like a “LATE” genious. LOLs…

I still think that one day there will be roads travelling not the vehicles ( definately for short distances)…… stand on the road and it moves….get off at your destination……

I still have a fresh idea, (Hoping not to be LATE genious again) ……Hotels and bars should be serving Mineral water ice cubes with a premium…….just like as they ask ” mineral water or plan water”……so be ready to heat next time ” normal cube or mineral water cubes”

There should be wi- fi mobile chargers in office………a system installed somewhere and you just need to connect through blue tooth……so sitting on you seat , witout any wire….you mobile is getting charged……..hope this will come true some day.

Few years back the trend of caller tunes were on the high………so here comes another idea…… why can’t we record our own voice and keep it as a caller tune to surprise the caller……diffrent situations diffrent caller tunes…………. Late Genious again :( ………… Vodafone has started something alike……….
I feel that there should be a display screen at the back side of your car .......controls are driver what the use and how it works ???? .....OK.......the driver has a keyboard next to him where he can type anything and that will be displayed on the display screen at the back of car..........Like somebody's lights are on .........cross him and tell him on the display screen........No doubt that the road rage will be on high............... Be ready to see F**K you if you are not giving way to a rash driver :)

I think I should approach Copyright dept on the very next hour of my new wiered thought otherwise i will be always ” LATE Genious”
